Statistical Learning Dr. D. Djeudeu

Non-Clinical Statistics & Machine Learning
Statistics For research and development
our statistical expertise help to informed decision-making and quality improvement

Healthcare and Cost Studies

  • Non-Normal Data Analysis
  • Statistical methods to assess costs related to specific health conditions, treatments, and interventions

Design of Experiments statistical input and recommendations

  • Define Your Variables and Hypotheses
  • Manipulate Independent Variables
  • Randomization
  • Dependent Variable Measurement
  • Sample Size Calculation
  • Full Factorial Design/ Fractional Factorial Design/ Central Composite Design
  • Statistical Tests/ Effect Size and Significance

Stability testing

  • Gather stability data from physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests
  • Present the data appropriately, considering the dosage form attributes
  • Assess whether there’s a significant association between the response (e.g., product attribute) and relevant terms (e.g., time, storage conditions).
  • Determine the shelf life of the product based on stability data
  • Model Assessment
  • Extrapolate stability data beyond the observed time points and estimate long-term behavior

Dissolution testing

Steps similar to stability testing, but statistical snalyses mostly include

  • Profile Comparison
  • Similarity Factor (f2)
  • Regression Models

Usual Statistical Methods

  • Linear Models and Repeated Measures
  • Statistical Process Control 
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Variance Component Analysis
  • More …

Bayesian Analysis

  • Setting up prior belief, based on historical data, expert opinions, or similar analysis
  • Data Collection
  •  Bayesian model 
  • Posterior Calculation
  • Decision Making

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Machine learning Algorithms
We Ensure Quality Work

Supervised Learning Algorithms

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Regression vs. Classification Problems

Handling Unbalanced Class Problems:

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Make the right decision with your data

Are you seeking professional input for your data analysis, whether in clinical statistics or nonclinical/Data Science and Data Exploration? Let us leverage our expertise to assist you effectively