Statistical Learning Dr. D. Djeudeu

What our Clients Say

We have collaborated with numerous clients, some of whom have shared reviews on social media platforms as well as Google Reviews.  Here we share a selection of them. You can also view them on Google Reviews or social media platforms.

"In the most challenging phases of my dissertation, I always found support – thanks to the dedicated team at Dr. D. Djeudeu Statistical Learning"
Dr. med. Aref El-Sabbagh
Medical Specialist.
"Overall, I am extremely satisfied with Dr. Djeudeu's training sessions. Not only did he manage to ignite my interest in a previously daunting subject, but he also significantly strengthened my skills in handling panel data and R programming."
Michael William
Master Student
"Dany Djeudeu worked as a freelance tutor and data analyst at Optimal Nachhilfe for a period of three years, and his performance deserves the highest praise. His professional expertise and pedagogical skills have contributed to guiding numerous students on the path to success."
Andreas Kroppen
CEO Optimal Nachhilfe
"Dany Djeudeu's training covers a comprehensive range of topics including matrix calculus, data analysis, algebra, and regression analyses, alongside proficient R programming skills. Notably, he tailors group sessions to individual participant backgrounds, initiating with a needs assessment questionnaire. Based on these experiences, I highly recommend Dany Djeudeu's support, particularly for corporate endeavors."
Susanne M. Horstmann
Managing Director at WMP Eurocom AG

Additional reviews are available on Google and our social media platforms.


Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it.