Statistical Learning Dr. D. Djeudeu

Statistical Learning

Dr. D. Djeudeu 

As (healthcare-focused) statistical consultants, we are dedicated to extracting valuable insights from your data.

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Core Services

While offering various data services, We organize them into three core categories.

 Leveraging our statistical expertise enables pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device companies, and contract research organizations to make well-informed decisions through precise data analysis. Our core services encompass both clinical and non-clinical statistics.

In collaboration with our partners, we offer comprehensive training and tutorials in the field of machine learning and statistics, including leading software such as SAS, R, Python, and more.

We actively contribute to publishing articles and provide our extensive statistical analysis expertise to bolster scientific research, with a primary focus on medicine, epidemiology, psychology, and the broader biomedical field.

Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it.

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Some Q&A from clients

1. Discovery Call (30 minutes)

  •  Initiate the process with a virtual, complimentary discussion to delve into your data landscape and understand the intricacies of the problem at hand.
  • Uncover your needs and expectations to tailor our approach accordingly. 

2. Problem Definition and Quantification:

  • If the problem isn’t crystal clear, we work collaboratively to quantify it, ensuring a precise understanding.
  • Specify research questions to crystallize the focus of our analysis.

 3. Hypothesis Formulation:

  • Conduct an in-depth data exploration to inform hypothesis formulation.
  • Translate insights into quantifiable hypotheses, laying the foundation for a strategic approach.

 4. Sophisticated Data Analysis:

  • Leverage state-of-the-art statistical software and methodologies to conduct a rigorous analysis.
  • Apply advanced statistical methods to extract meaningful patterns and correlations.

5. Customized Reporting:

  • Craft bespoke reports and dashboards that provide a clear and visually compelling representation of the analyzed data.
  • Ensure the presentation aligns with your organizational objectives and communication preferences.

6.  Results Delivery and Assessment:

  • Present the results comprehensively, walking you through the discovered insights and their implications.
  • Facilitate an interactive assessment, gathering your feedback to refine our findings further.

Individuals and organizations seeking to derive valuable insights from data encompass our potential client base. The following are examples of common clients we serve:

  • Pharmaceutical Industries and Contract Research Organizations (CROs): Engaging in statistician tasks, including Statistical Analysis Plan development.
  • Medical Device Companies: Providing statistical and analysis planning support for medical device trials.
  • Doctoral Students, Medicine Students, Epidemiology Students, Psychology Students, etc.: Offering statistical analysis services for their theses.
  • Master and Bachelor Students: Assisting in the statistical analysis and comprehension of their master’s and bachelor’s theses.
  • University Chairs: Collaborating on statistical modeling initiatives.
  • Research Institutes: Providing statistical consulting services.
  • Student Groups: Conducting specialized training in statistics, R, SAS, or machine learning.
  • Industries: Delivering continuous statistical and machine learning training for ongoing professional development.

Our expertise ranges from the design of clinical phase I-IV trials (statistical input to study protocols, writing of statistical analysis plans, randomization, sample size calculation) and data analysis with SAS and R.  High quality standards are ensured by independent validation (e.g. independent review, code review or double programming). Our statistics experts supported numerous clients in submissions to FDA and EMA.

I have solid experience in  complex study designs (e.g. adaptive, Bayesian BLRM, outcome depending switching/crossover, biomarker) and the implementation of complex methods in macros (RPSFT, IPE, IPCW). 

In summary, here are my services:

  • Clinical trial planning (phases I-IV)
  • Trial and project statistician tasks
  • Sample size calculation
  • Randomisation (including emergency envelopes)
  • Statistical programming with SDTM and ADaM (SAS, R)
  • Validation (e.g. SAS: source code review, double programming)
  • Interim analyses
  • Survival analysis

For the analyses, CDISC standards with ADaM datasets are used to ensure traceability, reproducibility, and compatibility across studies. If necessary, I consult on the anonymisation of clinical data.


  • Oncology 
  • Respiratory –
  • Allergology
  • Cardiovascular
  • Central nervous system
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Haematology
  • Immunology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Metabolic
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pneumology
  • Surgery

Make the right decision with your data​

Are you seeking answers to common client inquiries or any data-related questions?

Selected Completed projects

In the context of multivariate logistic regression, we aim to examine the impact of nutrition on BMI and albumin levels after controlling for other variables.

The client (An Hospital in Germany) wanted to investigate the impact of intraoperative fluid volume on outcomes in geriatric patients undergoing hip fracture surgery.

A health insurance company in Germany aims to predict sick payments (Krankengeld) for its policyholders based on historical data

The objective of this analysis is to predict the Contribution Margin (DB) per Insurance Day (VT) using machine learning techniques for a health insurance company.

The aim is to analyze the potential correlation between socioeconomic and health-related factors and proximity to the physician in the Ruhr area in Germany.

Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it. In-depth examples of completed projects can be found in the following links.: Use cases in Clinical Trials, Use cases in Health Insurance, Use cases in Academia

What our Clients Say

We have collaborated with numerous clients, some of whom have shared reviews on social media platforms as well as Google Reviews.  Here we share a selection of them. You can also view them on Google Reviews or social media platforms.

"In the most challenging phases of my dissertation, I always found support – thanks to the dedicated team at Dr. D. Djeudeu Statistical Learning"
Dr. med. Aref El-Sabbagh
Medical Specialist.
"Overall, I am extremely satisfied with Dr. Djeudeu's training sessions. Not only did he manage to ignite my interest in a previously daunting subject, but he also significantly strengthened my skills in handling panel data and R programming."
Michael William
Master Student
"Dany Djeudeu worked as a freelance tutor and data analyst at Optimal Nachhilfe for a period of three years, and his performance deserves the highest praise. His professional expertise and pedagogical skills have contributed to guiding numerous students on the path to success."
Andreas Kroppen
CEO Optimal Nachhilfe
"Dany Djeudeu's training covers a comprehensive range of topics including matrix calculus, data analysis, algebra, and regression analyses, alongside proficient R programming skills. Notably, he tailors group sessions to individual participant backgrounds, initiating with a needs assessment questionnaire. Based on these experiences, I highly recommend Dany Djeudeu's support, particularly for corporate endeavors."
Susanne M. Horstmann
Managing Director at WMP Eurocom AG

Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it.

Do you have a project involving data? Let's discuss it to increase performance