Statistical Learning Dr. D. Djeudeu

 Publications in Peer Review Journals


Statistical Methods

Contribution to the statistical methodologies

CONTRIBUTORS: Yves Emvudu; Ramses Djidjou Demasse; Dany Djeudeu, 2011

CONTRIBUTORS: Dany Djeudeu, Christine Müller, 2014

Spinal anesthesia with better outcome in geriatric hip fracture surgery –An analysis of the Registry for Geriatric Trauma (ATR-DGU),

Bastian Pass et al.

Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it.

We performed the statistical Analysis for this paper

Make the right decision with your data

Do you encounter challenges with your data? We can assist you in extracting the maximum amount of information from it.